Celebrate Your Business:
Schedule a Ribbon Cutting or Groundbreaking Ceremony!
Generate excitement and visibility for your business with a ribbon cutting or groundbreaking ceremony. By marking your grand opening or a significant milestone, you can make a lasting first impression and set the stage for long-term success.
About our Ribbon Cuttings & Groundbreakings
You must be a member of Leander Chamber of Commerce to schedule a ribbon cutting or groundbreaking ceremony. The cost is $75 for Associate level and free for Collaborator level and up.
Select a date several weeks in advance. We recommend that you schedule your event on a Wednesday or Thursday between 11:00 A.M. and 4:00 P.M. These days and times often receive the most media coverage and garner the best attendance enabling elected Officials, Dignitaries and Chamber Ambassadors to attend. If you request another day during the week, please reach out and we can see if we can make it work. We do not schedule on weekends.
Your date and time MUST be confirmed with Shannon Johnson-Quaife at (512)259-1907 or membership@leandercc.org at least THREE WEEKS in advance.
Order of Events
- We will arrive 5 – 10min minutes prior to the scheduled start time
- At start time or 10 minutes after – we welcome guests, introduce your speaker and give you time to speak
- Cut ribbon and take photos
- Tour business and enjoy snacks/activities
- Event lasts approximately a half hour
- Note – You are welcome to have your invited guests stay after our portion concludes
- We provide the ceremonial scissors & ribbon
- The Leander Chamber of Commerce President or Membership Director will emcee the ceremony
- We invite Leander Chamber of Commerce Ambassadors, local media, and Leander City Council to attend
- We share the event: on Leander Chamber of Commerce calendar of events, our social media platforms, and one weekly e-newsletter blast
- We take the ribbon cutting/groundbreaking photos
- After the event, we will share the photos on our Facebook page and tag the business
Our best-attended and most successful ribbon cutting include a promotion, giveaway or discount. Also consider offering refreshments for your guests.
When developing the list of who you will invite to your ribbon cutting ceremony, consider the following groups of people:
- Potential/current customers
- Suppliers
- Employees and their domestic partners
- City council members, mayor and public officials from the district where your business is located
- Media outlets
- Neighboring businesses
- Friends and family
- Business associates